Earth Beat is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all those who attend the workshops and sessions offered. Earth Beat Festival artists, musicians, presenters, facilitators, bodyworkers, healers and therapists are expected to maintain ethical and professional standards of behaviour. This code outlines the level of professional behaviour required to be part of the event and will also be used to inform attendees and the community. In offering your services at the event, you are agreeing to the following code of ethics and conduct. These codes of ethics emphasise trust and safety as the basis for these relations and the wellbeing of all attendees.
Facilitator/Healer – Attendee Relationships
- Whether working with a group or holding one-on-one sessions, we require you to have high standards of professional conduct.
- Make only honest, realistic statements regarding the benefits of your teachings, practices, courses and other offerings.
Respect and Rights
- Those facilitating workshops or sessions at Earth Beat Festival will demonstrate respect to all attendees/clients regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, physical and psychological limitation, sexual orientation or religious affiliation.
- Respect the values, beliefs and aspirations of all.
- Consider attendees’ emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual needs.
- Be considerate of the preferences and limitations of individuals.
Professional Boundaries
- Recognise the power imbalance between teacher/therapist and attendee/client, and do not harass or exploit clients or attendees physically, psychologically, emotionally, sexually or financially.
- Avoid dynamics that could compromise the integrity of the facilitator-attendee relationship.
- Be particularly mindful of sexual boundaries with students/attendees — and honour them at all times.
- Do not seek or presume special privileges or glorified status because of your role as facilitator/presenter/healer.
- Report to festival staff any concerns regarding participants’ ongoing wellbeing. If further support is needed please contact the Earth Beat team.
Our Commitment To Your Safety
- The vibe of the festival is everything to our community. There is zero tolerance for harresment, hate speech, or behaviour that is disrespectful towards our contributors/guests.
- Please advise security if you feel your freedom (of movement, of association, and of speech) or safety is at risk due to the behaviour of others at the festival. Security will remove bad actors from the festival grounds immediately.
Effective Communication and Consent
- We expect workshop facilitators and therapists to have a basic understanding and practice of respectful, compassionate and clear communication in explaining and facilitating sessions.
- Cultivate and practise honesty, integrity, compassion, humility, and empathy.
- Communicate respect for students/attendees through your actions, language and behaviour.
- Practise consent — seek permission before, and be respectful when, physically adjusting an attendee, or offer other alternatives.
Scope of Practice
- Facilitators and therapists are to work within their own educated scope of practice and experience.
- Please refer attendees to a specialised professional if they present questions, experiences or symptoms beyond your own expertise.
- Have a commitment to ongoing professional development and supervision.
Earth Beat is a space of inclusion, regardless of opinions, beliefs, gender, culture or background. We require our presenters hold a clear purpose and demonstrate a high level of awareness and skill when handling content that involves controversial/contentious topic. As an organisation, we do not take a stance on COVID-19, conspiracy theories, or politics.
The ethos of Earth Beat is to create a space for connection, understanding and love. Yet, we need to be able to talk about things, especially topics that are challenging. To encourage an atmosphere of growth and learning, we ask that different perspectives, especially those opposite yours, be welcomed and heard.
In our work and in our living, we must recognize that difference is a reason for celebration and growth, rather than a reason for destruction.
Audre Lorde
- Honour our leave-no-trace initiative to maintain a rubbish-free festival environment at all times.
- Remove all waste on finishing your session/workshop/performance and take it off-site and dispose of it responsibly.
Ngā mihi Aroha ki te whānau mō te atawhai kia tātou katoa
Mauri Ora!
(Credit to Revive and Evolve Festival teams for their diligence and leadership in the area of ethics at our festivals in Aotearoa, New Zealand)