Contact Care Flinchlock Release
Ines Steward
We are practitioners of Contact Care in Auckland. We work with people to resolve physical injuries and impact trauma. The technique is called Contact Care Flinchlock Release and we are trained to find and release pressure trapped in flinchlocked bones similar to releasing a handbrake. Flinchlocks happen when the pressure on the body gets trapped from surprise impacts, sporting injuries or accidents. They can cause symptoms not only at the impact site but throughout the body as fascia bands and the skeletal system accommodate the flinchlock pressure. The work is hands on with gentle touch. We work away from pain and client comfort is paramount for successful outcomes.
Practitioners: Anne Nicolson and Ines Steward We work as a team to provide Contact Care for you. Sessions are 30 minutes. Speak to a practitioner if you would like to book a double session.