Fire Sword Fundamentals
Kelsey Amor
In this Fire Sword fundamental workshop we will first highlight hazards specific to the sword including the large flame and how to place it in order to minimize chance of burns. We will also discuss other hazards including the weighted end that can be dangerous when not taken into consideration. Next we will walk through simple patterns like Figure 8’s in front and behind the body – learning to keep clean planes. We will also learn more pathways that the Figure 8 can lead to. Next will be the most important part of a flow journey, discovering our own unique styles by playing around feeling movements we like and following where they go. Lastly we will learn the difference between being technical; doing specific movements and flowing in the moment letting the prop go where it wants to be, and moving in ways to allow the inertia to continue.
Kelsey is an adventurous traveler with a large passion for connection, music and movement. A large part of movement is fire and flow based movements helping unlock new potentials and how we can manipulate something simple yet limitless in possibilities.
Kelsey’s workshop will be part of the Phoenix Fire programme- Check the blackboard each day.