Handreading Consultations
Christopher Jones
A hand-reading consultation provides the opportunity for a deep and profound self-encounter. The hand is a blueprint of the unique consciousness patterns that are you – for the hand is a map of your soul. The patterns of your hands reveal your strengths, your innate gifts and talents and can also show what is inhibiting or blocking you from your own spiritual unfolding. As you develop greater self-awareness of these internal forces, the clarity of self-vision will give rise to a clear sense of where to go next in your life. Your life is literally in your hands.
Christopher Jones has been a leading figure in the world of handreading for 40 years and is the author of over 15 books on cheirology. He pioneered original cheirological research into health assessment from the hand, the effects of meditation on the hand and the hands of criminals and has written a definitive and widely-acclaimed history of palmistry. Whilst at Oxford, he completed a Masters Degree in Philosophy & Theology and set up two Buddhist Residential Communities focused on meditation, dharma study and Buddhist Yoga. His initiate training in esoteric Buddhism is infused into the practice of handreading. A handreading consultation provides a thorough, erudite and enlightening perspective on how to live with integrity and authenticity.