Tara Approach: Somatic Trauma Resolution
The TARA Approach is a fusion of Ancient Eastern and Contemporary Western medicine. With simple brilliance, TARA brings together Embryology, Neuroscience, Pre-and Peri-Natal Psychology, Polyvagal Theory, Cranial treatment, and Jin Shin TARA – an ancient Japanese healing artform which works along the Extra-ordinary Meridians (aka the 8 Rivers of Splendour), and also treats the 12 organ meridian flows.
TARA is dedicated to resolving overwhelming experiences such as shock and trauma and is easy to learn and apply in your life. It awakens your innate healing and provides a reliable and effective way to repattern coping mechanisms, habits, and behaviour at a deep energetic level.
TARA supports our capacity to continue developing beyond the trauma and shock which may have previously held us back. It has an emphasis on Self-Care – and understands that healing is an innate Resource available whenever needed.