Teens Yoga
Angela Mastronardi
I wish to offer a class for kids in the whānau area and one for adolescents in the teens area. The workshop starts exploring the breath and learning some pranayama. With this understanding in our kete, we flow into a fun sequence of easy, dynamic asanas that mimic animals, nature, objects, and actions. A partner posture is included, but for those who prefer to practise alone, the same postures can be done individually.
Cards with illustrations of the postures and their names in Te Reo Māori and English help keep the group prepared, focused, and engaged. Finally, participants will be able to choose a posture each to be practised again with the group.
The practice ends with a brief relaxation, listening to the sound of the Tibetan Singing Bowl while being guided through a short body scan to connect with their sensations and beings. Singing three Oms and Shanti is offered to close the practice, for the children/teens to experience their own voices and vibrations. Students are then welcomed to try the Tibetan Singing Bowl themselves.