Afro Connection Dance with live drumming
Camila Chicon
Dance is the celebration of our communion with humans, with nature, and with the joy of living.
In Afro Connection Dance with live drumming, we explore the concepts of identity, creativity, and authenticity through movement inspired by traditional West African rhythms. Live drumming takes us back to our roots, bringing ancestral memories of when we lived in community and in communion with nature.
This experience invites us to reconnect with ourselves—our body, mind, feelings, and emotions—while moving to live music and sharing with others. The main objective is to give ourselves a moment of full presence, to be here, in our bodies, and on this earth now, present in consciousness.
We will create a safe space to explore self-awareness, compassion, and acceptance, allowing authenticity to manifest and empowering us to step into our power. In this workshop, we will connect with our bodies, raise our energy levels and vibration, feel Mother Earth, dance in community, and above all—celebrate life! 🎶✨