Brotherhood & Masculinity: Male Youth Workshop
Bros NZ Billy Lewis / Graedon Parker
As our planet’s ecological, technological and social systems change rapidly, our young men need guidance, connection and positive male role models more than ever.
Simultaneously, our world is in dire need of mature, healthy young people to lead us into the future. Held in a sacred container of loving support guided by 4 experienced facilitators, this 90-min wananga aims to support & celebrate the journey of transition from boyhood to manhood in a holistic way, beyond the classroom.
Youth will learn about male psychological archetypes, gaining insights into their own gifts / behaviours, and how they impact those around them. Through play, youth will experience physical embodiment practices, communication experiments, primal chanting, & more.
Our intention is to support these boys in learning how to cultivate positive relationships with their fellow brothers, & to lay foundations for healthy communication. This change in perspective allows them to develop an authentic sense of personal identity and find a critical sense of belonging to a community beyond their nuclear family.
BROS exists to guide men & youth home to themselves through immersive experiences in brotherhood, connection & vitality. With years of history in “Men’s Work” Billy, Graedon & other collaborators combine to bring unique elements, including movement, breathwork, music, archetypal psychology, elder wisdom & more into a boutique experience that the moment requires. Held in sacred space, BROS wānanga hold the responsibility of anchoring in a transmission of healthy, honest and embodied masculinity as a medium and tool-belt for collective transformation.