Building Blocks: Legal Structures for Establishing Communities
Nick Wright
This will be a practical workshop, allowing free sharing and discussion of ideas and concepts, and all attendees will get access to a set of template documents for their own use (as well as free access to help and advice from me in the future).
There will be a particular focus on the use of an hours-based alt currency to track and recognise work exchanges between members and by members for the benefit of the community. Some broad observations will also be offered about planning considerations and sociocratic decision-making processes, and practical considerations such as food and energy independence.
A former lawyer, I quit practice in 2012 to find life, abandon the pursuit of money and discover and follow the wellsprings of joy.
Since then I have lived largely without income, become polyamorous and have lived a life full of music, connection, service, love and play.
Always keen to share my legal skills for good causes, I have been drawn into helping out a number of different folk, most recently helping draft foundation documents for a new community in the Far North.