Grow Your Own Organic Food – A Path To Food Self Sufficiency
Luca Fant
We are loosing the ability to understand our food. Where it comes form, how is it made, but mostly is it good for us? What can we believe? I had the privilege to grow up in a biodynamics farm, where all the food (yes all) was produced in the farm or exchanged with neighbouring biodynamics farms. In my 37 years I experienced all aspects of food growing, and now I feel the need to pass on all the knowledge I have acquired and perfected. In this workshop, I very simply and honestly give you the basic tools to transform any patches of land, whatever big or small, into your own food providing parcels. All completely organic and in total respect with Mother Nature. Forget about toxic vegetables bought from a toxic expensive supermarket, filled with any sort of poisons, grown in a way that depletes the soil and kill its biota. Learn the simple tools you’ll need to grow your own life sustaining vibrant food and heal the soil during the process. We do not inherit the land form our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. Grow healthy food for you, the land, the environment and your kids!
I was grown in a pristine Biodynamic farm. I have learnt the most important connection between humans, the soil, Mother earth and the environment. I have perfected the skills and tools needed to turn any big or small patches of unused land into a food garden. It’s now my turn to pass on the knowledge I gathered. I have many years of experience in organic growing, I work as a BioGro (organic certification) auditor and I love to see how organic growers are the healers of our sick planet. Anyone should be tought the art of growing healthy food.