NaturAction: applied shamanism for nature reconnection
Daniel Monterigues
Technocracy has made us believe we are separated from the natural world. The gathering of humans in big cities has begun our process of disconnection. The “civilization” process has been indeed a trap to our relationship with what is the most sacred of all technologies: Nature. NaturAction workshop is an invitation to reintegrate ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally with the natural vibration of Earth and its circadian rhythms based on daily habits for a more purposeful, healthier and happier life. It will be shared how to synchronize with the four annual seasons, how to better use the healing power of the four elements within us, and how we can interact, communicate, and honour the animal, plant, mineral and spiritual realms. More than just philosophical concepts, it’s a reunion of the wisdom and life experiences of indigenous shamanic traditions which can lead us to our natural state of being, that deep sense of wellness and happiness of belonging to the creation of Nature.
Daniel is an enthusiastic communicator, poet, and wellness coach. With a degree in social communication and journalism, he spent the last 10 years of his life living and studying shamanism. He has been creating space for shamanic experiences and ceremonies such as sweat lodges and Hapé circles for four years in New Zealand. His true passion is conveying the message of integration with Nature through the wisdom of all indigenous cultures on Earth, aiming to bring to people real health and fulfilment through a deeper sense of belonging.